Ocelot's integration with ServiceNow will include:

  1. Installing a plug-in and activating it
  2. Setting up a connection URL (e.g., https://schoolx.service-now.com/api/sn_km_api/knowledge/articles)

To begin a ServiceNow integration, submit a Support Ticket.

The Ocelot ServiceNow link query integration enhances response in Chatbot conversations with Query Links with search results from the client's ServiceNow to query for public documents. Returned links are hardcoded to point to the user's default, school-themed "Service Portal" with the URL path `/sp`.

  • Ocelot will need to grant access to ServiceNow for the school.
  • The school will need to have installed and configured the ServiceNow plugin; Knowledge API. 

The free Knowledge API plugin can be found in the ServiceNow store. 

For information on how to configure the servicenow plugin, review the Knowledge Management Rest API article. 

Configuration of our ServiceNow integration is in Admin Portal > Integrations > Applications. 
  • Select Contact Sales which alerts Ocelot of the interest to use ServiceNow integration.  
  • Ocelot will enable the ServiceNow integration.  
  • Select Enable (or Configure if already enabled) and paste your ServiceNow base URL (ex. https:// . . . .).  
  • Select Save.