We have provided a draft of all of your slide content for you to review. You will want to review for accuracy and make sure that all information necessary is provided to the student.

When reviewing your slide content, keep in mind that there are standard videos that explain the concepts in the complete session the student will be presented with. 


  • You have a slide called “Qualified Standard at X College/University”
  • The slide only needs to have your school-specific GPA requirements
  • There is a video presented before this slide on how a GPA is calculated

To review your slide content, log on to your GetCounseling student platform (domain.get-counseling.com).

Go to the Preview tab. (Note: Only admin users have access to this tab)

Click on the Start button next to the session listed. 

Review each slide. 

If you would like to request an edit:

  • Take a screenshot of the slide
  • Paste into a Word document
  • Explain the change below the slide (i.e., Change bullet 3 to say “....”)

All slide edits can be requested in the same Word document.