This section of the user guide is focused on the live chat Who's Online page. To help you navigate the article we have broken it down into the following sections:

What is the Who's Online page?

On the Who's Online page, you can review how many agents are currently online or offline along with how many active conversations are being managed.

Who can access the Who's Online page?

Analytics is available to individuals with the following permissions: 




View Other Offices


Disable Agents

Disable Office

For more information on user permissions, review the User Roles & Permissions article.

How do I access the Who's Online page?

Under the Live Chat section, select the Who's Online page.

Global Statistics

The top chart displays the total Agents Online, and Total Agents (online or offline).

If an agent is available, select the person icon to see the name of the agent(s). An agent or an administrator can change their status from Available to Away (or Away to Available), by selecting the red bolt icon. Live Chat - Standard and Live Chat - Limited users can not change other agents' statuses.

By Office Statistics

Each office has its own modal to show who is available within each office. 

An agent or an administrator can change their status to Available or Away (or Away to Available) within an individual office instead of campus-wide by selecting the red bolt icon. Live Chat - Standard and Live Chat - Limited users can not change other agents' statuses.

Live Chat - Administrators can set all agents to Away for an office by selecting the red bolt icon at the top of the office modal.