This section of the user guide is focused on campaign analytics. To help you navigate the article we have broken it down into the following sections:

What are Campaign Analytics?

The Campaign Analytics dashboard allows you to monitor the performance of your campaigns in real-time via graphs and other high-level statistics that provide an overview of campaign usage.

Who has access to the Campaign Analytics page?

The Campaign Analytics page is available to individuals with the following permissions: 




View Other Offices


For more information on user permissions, review the User Roles & Permissions article.

How do I view my campaign analytics?

  • Under the Texting section, select Campaign Analytics.

The following analytics can be viewed for all campaigns:

  • At the top of the analytics page, the number of active campaigns, and the total number of campaigns during the filtered timeframe are displayed.
  • Contact Responses by Hour - This graph aggregates the number of responses during the filtered timeframe by the hour.
  • Contact Responses by Day -  This graph aggregates the number of responses during the filtered timeframe by the day.
  • Engagement

    • Contacts Messaged - the number of successfully delivered messages within all campaigns. 
    • Contacts Responded - total number of contacts that responded within all campaigns. (The same phone number could be counted multiple times).
    • Rate of Engagement - the Contacts Responded divided by Contacts Messaged, multiplied by 100.
    • Campaign Opt-outs - the number of campaign-related conversations where a recipient opted out of the conversation
    • Responses - For the filtered timeframe, provide the total contact responses, total agent responses, total chatbot responses, and the median agent response time. 

      • Total Contact Responses - the total count of responses from the phone numbers (contacts) within a campaign.
      • Total Agent Responses - the total count of responses provided by a texting agent.
      • Total Chatbot Responses - the total count of responses provided by the chatbot.
      • Median Agent Response Time - the average amount of time the recipient waited for a texting agent to respond to a message.
    • Campaigns Launched by Date - This graph aggregates the number of campaigns launched during the filtered timeframe by date.
    • Contact Responses by Date - This graph aggregates the number of responses during the filtered timeframe by date.
      • Campaigns (list view) - Provides a table of all campaigns launched within the filtered time frame, with the launch date/time, created by, campaign mode, number of contacts messaged, number of contacts responded, and the rate of engagement. This table can be exported into a CSV file by selecting the save icon.

Filtering Campaign Analytics

Campaign analytics can be filtered by the date range, status, office, and tags.
