This section of the user guide is focused on using canned responses. To help you navigate the article we have broken it down into the following sections:

What are canned responses?

You can quickly access and insert commonly used questions and answers that don’t exist in your content library using canned responses for live chat. You may want to use canned responses for new chat greetings, signing off, providing contact information, or responding to frequently asked questions. 

Who can create canned responses?

The Canned Responses page is available to individuals with the following permissions: 




View Other Offices



For more information on user permissions, review the User Roles & Permissions article.

How do I create a canned response?

  1. Under the Live Chat section, select Canned Responses.
  2. In the bottom right-hand corner, select the plus icon.
  3. On the Canned Response widget, complete the following fields.
    1. In the Title field, enter the title for the canned response. The title should be descriptive.

      Best Practice: If agent specific, enter the agents name in the title, as well as the use case for the canned response.

    2. In the Response field, enter the response that will be inserted when the canned response is used.  The character limit for canned responses is 5,000 characters. 
    3. From the Campus and Offices dropdown, select the office the canned response will be associated with. The canned response will be available for all agents associated with the option selected.
    4. In the Tags field, enter the tags you want to be associated with the canned response. These tags are searchable.
    5. Select Save.

Search and Filter

Canned responses are visible for all offices, however, you can filter canned responses by campus, office, and/or tag. You can also use tagging to organize content by a staff member or topic area. 

How do I use a canned response?

  1. Canned responses can be inserted into a live chat conversation by selecting the Insert Canned Response icon within the text box. 
  2. The Insert Canned Response modal will pop up. Within the modal, you can search or filter for the canned response.