Signage videos are available to you through a Google Drive folder. Each year, signage videos are reviewed and updated in August. Please read the usage guidelines below before utilizing any of the signage videos.

These videos are available to download through the Google Drive folder.

Usage Guidelines


If you elect to utilize any video files provided by Ocelot (CareerAmerica, LLC) through the Google Drive file share system, these files are only to be used as part of a school-based (closed) signage system for the term of your subscription. The video files are the property of Ocelot, and may not be duplicated, shared, or otherwise transmitted for use by a third party, or used online without prior written permission of CareerAmerica, LLC. If your subscription ends, you are not permitted to use the video files without the permission of CareerAmerica, LLC. All other terms of your existing EULA with Ocelot (CareerAmerica, LLC) are still in full force and effect.