This section of the user guide is focused on virtual assistant variables. To help you navigate the article we have broken it down into the following sections:
What are variables?
Variables are common terms and URLs used in question responses so the knowledge base is customized to speak your language out of the box.
Completing your variables is an important first step in customizing your knowledge base.
By completing your variables, terms and URLs will flow directly to your general library knowledge base and customize the responses where variables are used. These variables can also be used in any response that needs to be customized.
Variables can be identified by an exclamation point as the first character of the text.
To complete your variables, under Virtual Assistant, select Variables. This is where you can view and edit your virtual assistant variables at any time.
Required variables, as indicated by a red asterisk, are used in general library content and will appear as blanks if not completed.
Optional variables, do not exist in general library content and were created as value-adds to help with custom content.
There are 4 types of variables:
Text variables are used most commonly to name things, such as a title, webpage name, or terminology. We also use this for the name of your student portal or the title of advisors on your campus.
URL variables are used for common places you want to direct students on your webpage (student portal or college catalog).
The benefit of using variables instead of the actual links within each question is if the URL changes, instead of updating each question individually, you will only have to change the variable associated with the URL.
URL's must be entered with the "https://" to work.
Example: An example of one of these variables is the Student Portal URL. The Student Portal URL is used in 96 general library questions. Instead of updating the URL in 96 questions, you only have to update it once on the Variables page to update it in all 96 questions.
Link variables do not have to be updated. The associated variables will update them.
Example: An example of a link variable is the Student Portal Link. Once the Student Portal Name and Student Portal URL variables are updated, the Student Portal Link variable will automatically update.
Sentence variables insert an entire sentence into a response. Some of the sentence variables will also incorporate another variable within the sentence.
Example: An example of these sentence variables is the Tuition Refund Schedule URL.
You can edit the sentence variable and the URL variable (found below the sentence variable) to make the variable work.
If a sentence variable is left blank, the entire sentence will simply not appear in the applicable response.
Note: The virtual assistant's school name, virtual assistant name, avatar, and colors cannot be changed in the Variables section.
To request adjustment to these areas, contact your Client Success Manager (CSM) or submit a support ticket with the details of your request.
Who has access to variables?
The Variables page is available to individuals with the following permissions:
For more information on user permissions, review the User Roles & Permissions article.
How do I complete/edit variables?
- Select Virtual Assistant>Variables
2. On the Variables page, there are 4 tabs: General, Student Services, Financial Aid, and Custom. The custom tab will only appear if a custom variable has been created.
On each tab, there are categories or libraries that have variables that need to be completed for each section.
3. Select the arrow icon for the category or library you want to edit.
4. Select the edit icon to edit the variable.
5. Enter the value requested for the variable (i.e., text, URL, or select the value)
6. Select Save after adding the variable.
Be sure to review and update every variable that applies to your office on campus. This will ensure responses to your questions are complete and accurate.
- Variables can only be added one at a time. After selecting save, wait for the variable to populate before adding another variable.
- Any variables that are labeled as “Links” (ex. Admissions Application Portal Link, Student Portal Link, etc.) do not need to be manually populated. These variables will appear once the URL and Name variables have been added.
For information on how to use these variables in a response, review the Creating a Knowledge Base Response article.
Office contact variables
A handful of "office contact" variables (variables that contain office names and contact information) are customized using information from your set-up forms and are used in the general library. These variables are visible to you in the applicable responses, but are NOT included on the Variables page and are therefore only editable by Ocelot in our back-end system.
To request an adjustment to the 'office contact' variables, contact your Client Success Manager (CSM) or submit a support ticket with the details of your request.
The following chart outlines all office-specific variables:
Academic Advising | ACADV | !ACADV-office | Office Name |
!ACADVoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!ACADVcontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!ACADVcontact-location | Office Address | ||
!ACADVcontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Admissions | ADM | !ADM-office | Office Name |
!ADMoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!ADMcontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!ADMcontact-location | Office Address | ||
!ADMcontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Alumni | ALUMNI | !Alumni-office | Office Name |
!Alumnioffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!Alumnicontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!Alumnicontact-location | Office Address | ||
!Alumnicontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Athletics | ATHLETE | !Athlete-office | Office Name |
!Athleteoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!Athletecontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!Athletecontact-location | Office Address | ||
!Athletecontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Basic Needs | BASIC | !Basic-office | Office Name |
!Basicoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!Basiccontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!Basiccontact-location | Office Address | ||
!Basiccontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Billing / Student Accounts / Bursar | BILL | !BILL-office | Office Name |
!BILLoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!BILLcontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!BILLcontact-location | Office Address | ||
!BILLcontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Bookstore | BOOK | !BOOK-office | Office Name |
!BOOKoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!BOOKcontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!BOOKcontact-location | Office Address | ||
!BOOKcontact-link | Office Email** | ||
CalWORKs | CalWORKs | !CalWORKs-office | Office Name |
!CalWORKsoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!CalWORKscontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!CalWORKscontact-location | Office Address | ||
!CalWORKscontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Career Services | CAREER | !CAREER-office | Office Name |
!CAREERoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!CAREERcontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!CAREERcontact-location | Office Address | ||
!CAREERcontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Counseling Services | COUNS | !COUNS-office | Office Name |
!COUNSoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!COUNScontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!COUNScontact-location | Office Address | ||
!COUNScontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Disability Services | DIS | !DIS-office | Office Name |
!DISoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!DIScontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!DIScontact-location | Office Address | ||
!DIScontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Diversity | DIV | !DIV-office | Office Name |
!DIVoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!DIVcontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!DIVcontact-location | Office Address | ||
!DIVcontact-link | Office Email** | ||
EOPS/CARE | EOPS | !EOPS-office | Office Name |
!EOPSoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!EOPScontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!EOPScontact-location | Office Address | ||
!EOPScontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Financial Aid | FA | !FA-office | Office Name |
!FAoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!FAcontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!FAcontact-location | Office Address | ||
!FAcontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Foster Youth | FOSTER | !FOSTER-office | Office Name |
!FOSTERoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!FOSTERcontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!FOSTERcontact-location | Office Address | ||
!FOSTERcontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Health Services | HEALTH | !HEALTH-office | Office Name |
!HEALTHoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!HEALTHcontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!HEALTHcontact-location | Office Address | ||
!HEALTHcontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Housing | HOUS | !HOUS-office | Office Name |
!HOUSoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!HOUScontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!HOUScontact-location | Office Address | ||
!HOUScontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Human Resources | HR | !HR-office | Office Name |
!HRoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!HRcontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!HRcontact-location | Office Address | ||
!HRcontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Information Technology | IT | !IT-office | Office Name |
!IToffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!ITcontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!ITcontact-location | Office Address | ||
!ITcontact-link | Office Email** | ||
International Programs | OIP | !OIP-office | Office Name |
!OIPoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!OIPcontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!OIPcontact-location | Office Address | ||
!OIPcontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Libraries | LIB | !LIB-office | Office Name |
!LIBoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!LIBcontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!LIBcontact-location | Office Address | ||
!LIBcontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Mailing Services | !MAIL-office | Office Name | |
!MAILoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!MAILcontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!MAILcontact-location | Office Address | ||
!MAILcontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Orientation | ORI | !ORI-office | Office Name |
!ORIoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!ORIcontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!ORIcontact-location | Office Address | ||
!ORIcontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Outreach | OUTREACH | !OUTREACH-office | Office Name |
!OUTREACHoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!OUTREACHcontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!OUTREACHcontact-location | Office Address | ||
!OUTREACHcontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Parking & Transportation | PARK | !PARK-office | Office Name |
!PARKoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!PARKcontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!PARKcontact-location | Office Address | ||
!PARKcontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Recreational Center | REC | !REC-office | Office Name |
!RECoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!RECcontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!RECcontact-location | Office Address | ||
!RECcontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Registration / Registrar / Records | REG | !REG-office | Office Name |
!REGoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!REGcontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!REGcontact-location | Office Address | ||
!REGcontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Student Employment | StuEmploy | !StuEmploy-office | Office Name |
!StuEmployoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!StuEmploycontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!StuEmploycontact-location | Office Address | ||
!StuEmploycontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Student Life | SLLA | !SLLA-office | Office Name |
!SLLAoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!SLLAcontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!SLLAcontact-location | Office Address | ||
!SLLAcontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Study Abroad | SA | !SA-office | Office Name |
!SAoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!SAcontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!SAcontact-location | Office Address | ||
!SAcontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Testing Services | TEST | !TEST-office | Office Name |
!TESToffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!TESTcontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!TESTcontact-location | Office Address | ||
!TESTcontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Title IX | TitleIX | !TitleIX-office | Office Name |
!TitleIXoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!TitleIXcontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!TitleIXcontact-location | Office Address | ||
!TitleIXcontact-link | Office Email** | ||
TRIO SSS | SSS | !SSS-office | Office Name |
!SSSoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!SSScontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!SSScontact-location | Office Address | ||
!SSScontact-link | Office Email** | ||
TRIO Upward Bound | UPBOUND | !UPBOUND-office | Office Name |
!UPBOUNDoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!UPBOUNDcontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!UPBOUNDcontact-location | Office Address | ||
!UPBOUNDcontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Transfer | TRA | !TRA-office | Office Name |
!TRAoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!TRAcontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!TRAcontact-location | Office Address | ||
!TRAcontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Tutoring | TUTOR | !TUTOR-office | Office Name |
!TUTORoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!TUTORcontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!TUTORcontact-location | Office Address | ||
!TUTORcontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Veterans | VET | !VET-office | Office Name |
!VEToffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!VETcontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!VETcontact-location | Office Address | ||
!VETcontact-link | Office Email** | ||
Workforce Development | WORKFORCEDEV | !WORKFORCEDEV-office | Office Name |
!WORKFORCEDEVoffice-hours | Office Hours | ||
!WORKFORCEDEVcontact-number | Office Phone Number | ||
!WORKFORCEDEVcontact-location | Office Address | ||
!WORKFORCEDEVcontact-link | Office Email** |
Variables per office
Below is a breakdown of all the variables that can be included within our libraries. If you have questions about a variable as you set up your virtual assistant, please refer to the below list.
Variable Name | Code | Description |
Academic Advising | ||
Academic Advising Forms URL | !acadv-form-link | What is the URL where your forms are located? |
Academic Advising Homepage URL | !acadv-homepage-link | What is the URL of the main web page that contains academic advising information? |
Academic Advisor Terminology | !acadv-advisor | What terminology do you use for your academic advisors (academic advisor, academic counselor, counselor, success coach, etc.) |
Learning Management System Name | !lms-name | If your students access or manage your services through a student portal like a Learning Management System (LMS), what is the name of that system? |
Learning Management System URL | !lms-link | If your students access or manage your services through a student portal like an LMS, what is the URL where they access that system? |
Admissions | ||
Admissions Application Portal Link | !adm-appl-portal | This will automatically populate once Admissions Application Portal Name and Admissions Application Portal URL are completed. |
Admissions Application Portal Name | !adm-appl-portal-title | What is the name of the portal where your admissions application is located (if you have one)? |
Admissions Application Portal URL | !adm-appl-portal-url | What is the main URL where your admissions application is located? |
Admissions Counselor Terminology | !adm-counselor | How does your school refer to an Admissions Counselor (ex: Recruitment Counselor, Admissions Counselor, Admissions Advisor)? |
Admissions Deadlines URL | !adm-deadline-link | What is the URL where your Admissions deadlines are listed? |
Admissions Forms URL | !adm-form-link | What is the URL where your Admissions forms are located? |
Admissions Homepage URL | !adm-homepage-link | Office Homepage URL |
Graduate Admissions Application Name | !adm-grad-application | Name of admissions application for graduate students, if specified. |
Graduate Admissions Application URL | !adm-grad-application-link | What is the URL where the GRADUATE admissions application is located? |
Graduate Admissions URL | !adm-grad-link | What is the URL of the main GRADUATE admissions web page? |
Housing (Admissions) URL | !adm-housing-link | What is the URL of the housing website? |
International Admissions Sentence | !adm-international-students-text | This variable will automatically populate when the International Admissions URL is filled. |
International Admissions URL | !adm-international-students-link | If you have a separate web page that has Admissions information for international students, what is that URL? |
Orientation URL | !orientation-link | What is the URL of the Orientation website? |
Undergrad Admissions Application Name | !adm-ugrad-application | Name of admissions application for undergraduate students, if specified. |
Undergrad Admissions Application Sentence | !adm-application-text | This variable with automatically populate when the Undergrad Admissions Application name and URL variables are filled. |
Undergrad Admissions Application URL | !adm-ugrad-application-link | What is the URL where the undergraduate admissions application is located? |
Undergrad Admissions URL | !adm-ugrad-link | What is the URL of the main undergraduate admissions web page? |
Alumni | ||
Alumni Benefits URL | !alumni-benefits-link | What is the URL for alumni benefit information? |
Alumni Career Services Benefits URL | !alumni-career-link | What is the URL for alumni career service benefit information? |
Alumni Donations URL | !alumni-donation-link | What is the URL for alumni donations? |
Alumni Events URL | !alumni-events-link | What is the URL for alumni events? |
Alumni Homepage | !alumni-homepage-link | What is the URL for the main Alumni website? |
Alumni Volunteering URL | !alumni-volunteering-url | What is the URL for information about alumni volunteering? |
Athletics | ||
Athletic Donation URL | !athletic-donation-link | What is the URL where donations are solicited/collected? |
Athletic Facilities URL | !athletic-facilities-link | What is the URL where information about athletic facilities is located? |
Athletic Fan URL | !athletic-fan-link | What is the URL where fan information is located (i.e. fan clubs)? |
Athletic Multimedia URL | !athletic-multimedia-link | What is the URL where multimedia information is located (i.e. television broadcasts)? |
Athletic Recruiting URL | !athletic-recruiting-link | What is the URL where recruiting information is located? |
Athletic Schedule URL | !athletic-schedule-link | What is the URL where game schedules are located? |
Athletic Store URL | !athletic-store-link | What is the URL where store information is located (i.e. where team apparel can be purchased)? |
Athletic Tickets URL | !athletic-ticket-link | What is the URL that contains information about how/where tickets can be purchased? |
Athletics Homepage URL | !athlete-homepage-link | What is the homepage for the athletics department? |
Athletic Training/Sports Medicine | ||
Athletic Training/Sports Medicine Homepage URL | !sportsmedicine-homepage-link | What is the URL that contains information about Athletic Training and/or Sports Medicine? |
Basic Needs | ||
Food Pantry URL | !pantry-homepage-link | What is the URL for the food pantry? |
Clothing Closet URL | !closet-homepage-link | What is the URL for the clothing closet? |
Basic Needs homepage URL | !basic-homepage-link | What is the URL for basic needs resources/office? |
Basic Needs Housing Resources URL | !basichousing-homepage-link | What is the URL for housing resources provided through Basic Needs? |
Basic Needs Transportation Resources URL | !basictransport-homepage-link | What is the URL for transportation resources provided through Basic Needs? |
Basic Needs Medical and Mental Health Resources URL | !basicmed-homepage-link | What is the URL for medical and mental health resources provided through Basic Needs? |
Basic Needs Child Care Assistance Resources URL | !basicchild-homepage-link | What is the URL for Child Care assistance resources provided through Basic Needs? |
Basic Needs Coordinator Title *** only for those with CA Basic Needs program** | !basic-coordinator | Does your Basic Needs coordinator have a specific name? |
Billing/Bursars/Student Accounts | ||
Billing Advisor Terminology | !bill-advisor | Do your Billing Advisors have a specific name? |
Billing Homepage URL | !bill-homepage-link | What is the homepage URL for Billing/Bursars/Student Accounts? |
Billing Portal Link | !bill-portal | This variable will automatically generate when the Billing Portal Name and URL are populated. |
Billing Portal Name | !bill-portal-title | What is the name of the portal where students log in to view their bill? |
Billing Portal URL | !bill-portal-url | What is the URL of the portal where student log in to view their bill? |
Direct Deposit Terminology | !direct-deposit-text | This variable will automatically generate once the Direct Deposit URL is populated. |
Direct Deposit URL | !direct-deposit-link | What is the URL of the web page that describes direct deposit (terms, how to sign up, etc.)? |
Payment Plan URL | !payment-plan-link | What is the URL of the web page that describes your payment plan? |
Third Party Refund Vendor Name | !third-party-refund-vendor | If you use a third party vendor to process refunds, what is the name of that vendor (i.e. BankMobile)? |
Third Party Refund Vendor URL | !third-party-refund-vendor-link | If you use a third party vendor to process refunds, what is the URL of the web page that describes that vendor's services? |
Tuition & Fees Sentence | !tuition-and-fees-text | This variable will automatically generate once the Tuition & Fees URL is populated. |
Tuition & Fees URL | !tuition-and-fees-link | What is the URL of the web page that describes your tuition and fees? |
Bookstore | ||
Bookstore Homepage Link | !book-homepage-link | What is the homepage URL for the Bookstore? |
CalWORKS, Foster Youth, EOPS/CARE | ||
CalWORKS Advisor | !calworks-advisor | What are CalWORKS advisors called at your institution? |
CalWORKS Forms Link | !calworks-forms-link | If you have a website that hosts CalWORKs forms, please provide that URL here. |
CalWORKS Office Homepage | !calworks-homepage-link | If you do not have a dedicated web page for CalWORKs, enter the URL of the page that contains CalWORKs information. |
EOPS Forms Link | !eops-forms-link | If you have a website that hosts EOPS/CARE forms, please provide that URL here. |
EOPS Office Advisor | !eops-advisor | What are EOPS/CARE advisors called at your institution? |
EOPS Office Homepage | !eops-homepage-link | If you do not have a dedicated web page for EOPS/CARE, enter the URL of the page that contains EOPS/CARE information. |
Foster Youth Forms Link | !foster-forms-link | If you have a website that hosts Foster Youth forms, please provide that URL here. |
Foster Youth Office Advisor | !foster-advisor | What are Foster Youth advisors called at your institution? |
Foster Youth Office Homepage | !foster-homepage-link | If you do not have a dedicated web page for Foster Youth, enter the URL of the page that contains Foster Youth information. |
Career Services | ||
Career Services Advisor | !career-advisor | What are Career Services advisors called at your institution? |
Career Services Website URL | !career-homepage-link | What is the homepage URL for Career Services? |
Internships Information URL | !career-internship-link | What is the URL of the webpage that hosts your internships information and/or postings? |
Student Jobs Information URL | !career-jobinfo-link | What is the URL of the webpage that hosts your student jobs information and/or postings? |
Counseling Services | ||
Counseling Services Advisor | !couns-advisor | What are Counseling Services advisors called at your institution? |
Counseling Services After Hours URL | !couns-afterhours-link | If you have a webpage on your site that hosts information about your extended or after hours availability, please provide that URL here. |
Counseling Services Scheduling URL | !couns-appointments-link | If you have a webpage on your site that hosts information about appointment scheduling, including an online scheduling tool, please provide that URL here. |
Counseling Services Website URL | !couns-homepage-link | What is the homepage URL for Counseling Services? |
Disability/Accessibility Services | ||
Disability Services Advisor | !dis-advisor | What are Disability Services advisors called at your institution? |
Disability Services Scheduling | !dis-appointments-link | If you have a webpage on your site that hosts information about appointment scheduling, including an online scheduling tool, please provide that URL here. |
Disability Services Website | !dis-homepage-link | If you do not have a main web page for Accessibility/Disability Services, enter the URL for the page that contains Accessibility/Disability Services information. |
Financial Aid: General | ||
Financial Aid Advisor Terminology | !fa-advisor | What are Financial Aid advisors called at your institution? |
Financial Aid Homepage URL | !fa-homepage-link | What is the homepage URL for Financial Aid? |
Max Time Frame Measurement Terminology | !max-timeframe | This variable provides a dropdown |
Quantitative SAP Measurement Terminology | !pace-rate | This variable provides a dropdown. |
SAP Academic Plan Terminology | !academic-plan | This variable provides a dropdown. |
SAP Appeal Form Terminology | !sap-appeal-form | This variable provides a dropdown. |
SAP Policy URL | !sap-policy-link | What is the URL where your Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy is located? |
SAP Probation Terminology | !fa-probation | This variable provides a dropdown. |
SAP Suspension Terminology | !fa-suspension | This variable provides a dropdown. |
SAP Warning Terminology | !fa-warning | This variable provides a dropdown. |
Financial Aid: Sentences with Links | ||
Cost of Attendance Sentence | !coa-text | This variable will automatically generate once the URL variable is populated. |
Cost of Attendance URL | !coa-link | Where can information about Cost of Attendance be found? |
FERPA Sentence | !ferpa-text | This variable will automatically generate once the URL variable is populated. |
FERPA URL | !ferpa-link | If you have a webpage on your site that hosts FERPA information, please provide that URL here. |
Financial Aid FAQs URL | !fa-faq-page-link | If you have a webpage on your site that addresses Financial Aid FAQ, please provide that URL here. |
Financial Aid Forms Sentence | !fa-form-text | This variable will automatically generate once the URL variable is populated. |
Financial Aid Forms URL | !fa-form-link | If you have a webpage on your site that hosts forms for Financial Aid, please provide that URL here. |
Financial Literacy Sentence | !fin-lit-text | This variable will automatically generate once the URL variable is populated. |
Financial Literacy URL | !fin-lit-link | If you have a webpage for Financial Wellness on your website or you can link to the Financial Wellness area of the Video Portal here. |
GetSAP URL | !getsap-link | If you have the GetSAP product, please provide the URL here. |
Graduate Student Aid URL | !fa-grad-students-link | If you have a webpage specifically for Graduate Students, please provide that URL here |
Grants URL | !grants-link | Where can information be found about Grants? |
How to Apply for Financial Aid Sentence | !fa-how-to-apply-text | This variable will automatically generate once the URL variable is populated. |
How to Apply for Financial Aid URL | !fa-how-to-apply-link | If you have a webpage specifically that details the steps for How to Apply for Financial Aid, please provide that URL here. |
Important FA Dates Sentence | !fa-important-dates-text | This variable will automatically generate once the URL variable is populated. |
Important FA Dates URL | !fa-important-dates-link | Where can information be found about Important Financial Aid dates? |
Loans URL | !loans-link | Where can information be found about Loans? |
Net Price Calculator URL | !net-price-link | If you have a webpage on your site with a Net Price Calculator, please provide that URL here. |
Outside Scholarships URL | !outside-scholarships-link | If you have a webpage on your site that has information about Outside Scholarships, please provide that URL here. |
Private Loans Sentence | !private-loans-text | This variable will automatically generate once the URL variable is populated. |
Private Loans URL | !private-loans-link | Where can information be found about Private Loans? |
Scholarships Sentence | !scholarships-text | This variable will automatically generate once the URL variable is populated. |
Scholarships URL | !scholarships-link | Where can information be found about Scholarships? |
Special Circumstances Sentence | !special-circumstances-text | This variable will automatically generate once the URL variable is populated. |
Special Circumstances URL | !special-circumstances-link | Where can information be found about Special Circumstances? |
Types of Aid URL | !types-of-aid-link | Where can a list of Types of Financial Aid be found? |
Verification Sentence | !fa-verification-text | This variable will automatically generate once the URL variable is populated. |
Verification URL | !fa-verification-link | Where can information about Verification be found? |
Work-Study Sentence | !work-study-text | This variable will automatically generate once the URL variable is populated. |
Work-Study URL | !work-study-link | Where can information about Work-Study be found? |
General | ||
Academic Calendar Terminology | !academic-calendar | How does your institution refer to their Academic Calendar? |
Academic Dismissal Terminology | !academic-dismissal | What is Academic Dismissal called? |
Chatbot Name | !me | This variable will automatically populate based on information provided in the General setup form. |
Course Measurement Terminology | !credits | This variable provides a dropdown. |
Enrollment Period Terminology | !term | This variable provides a dropdown. |
Non-Traditional Student Terminology | !nontrad-students | How does your institution refer to Non-Traditional Students? |
School Name | !school | This variable will automatically populate based on information provided in the General setup form. |
Student Portal Link | !student-portal | This variable will automatically generate once the name and URL are populated. |
Student Portal Name | !student-portal-title | How do you refer to the student portal that your students log in for student information like email, announcements, course registration, etc.? |
Student Portal URL | !student-portal-url | Please provide the web address for your student portal. |
General: College Catalog | ||
College Catalog Link | !college-catalog | This variable will automatically generate when College Catalog Name and College Catalog Name are populated. |
College Catalog Name | !college-catalog-name | What is the name of the College Catalog? |
College Catalog URL | !college-catalog-url | What is the College Catalog URL? |
Graduate College Catalog Name | !grad-college-catalog-name | What is the name of the GRADUATE College Catalog? |
Graduate College Catalog URL | !grad-college-catalog-url | What is the GRADUATE College Catalog URL? |
Undergrad College Catalog Name | !ugrad-college-catalog-name | What is the name of the UNDERGRADUATE College Catalog? |
Undergrad College Catalog URL | !ugrad-college-catalog-url | What is the UNDERGRADUATE College Catalog URL? |
General: Sentences with Links | ||
Academic Calendar Sentence | !academic-calendar-text | This variable will automatically generate when the URL variable is populated. |
Academic Calendar URL | !academic-calendar-link | What is the URL for the Academic Calendar? |
COVID-19 Sentence | !covid19-text | This variable will automatically generate when the URL variable is populated. |
COVID-19 URL | !covid19-link | This variable will automatically generate when the URL variable is populated. |
Student Debt Relief Sentence | !debtrelief-text | This variable adds additional guidance to the end of each student debt question/response since regulations are changing frequently. |
Student Employment Sentence | !student-employment-text | This variable will automatically generate when the URL variable is populated. |
Student Employment URL | !student-employment-link | What is the URL for Student Employment information? |
Tuition Refund Schedule Sentence | !tuition-refund-text | This variable will automatically generate when the URL variable is populated. |
Tuition Refund Schedule URL | !tuition-refund-link | What URL contains information about the Tuition Refund Schedule? |
Veterans Sentence | !fa-veterans-text | This variable will automatically generate when the URL variable is populated. |
Veterans URL | !fa-veterans-link | What URL contains information for Veterans? |
Health Services | ||
Health After Hours URL | !health-afterhours-link | If you have a webpage on your site that hosts information about your extended or after hours availability, please provide that URL here. |
Health Center Pharmacy URL | !health-pharmacy-link | If you have a webpage on your site that hosts information about your campus pharmacy services, please provide that URL here. |
Health Center Website URL | !health-homepage-link | What is the homepage URL for the Health Center? |
Health Forms URL | !health-forms-link | If you have a webpage on your site that hosts forms relevant to Health Services, please provide that URL here. |
Health Insurance URL | !health-insurance-link | If you have a webpage on your site that hosts information about Student Health Insurance, please provide that URL here. |
Housing (& Dining) Services | ||
Dining Homepage URL | !dine-homepage-link | What is the homepage URL for Dining Services? |
Housing Deadlines URL | !hous-deadlines-link | If you have a webpage on your site that hosts deadlines for Housing, please provide that URL here. |
Housing Forms URL | !hous-form-link | If you have a webpage on your site that hosts Housing forms, please provide that URL here. |
Housing Homepage URL | !hous-homepage-link | What is the homepage URL for Housing? |
Meal Plan URL | !hous-meal-plan-link | If you have a webpage on your site that hosts information about meal plans, please provide that URL here. |
Off-Campus Housing URL | !hous-offcampus-link | If you have a webpage on your site with information about off-campus housing, please provide that URL here. |
Human Resources | ||
Benefits Contact Phone Number | !hr-benefits-contact-number | What is the best contact information for students who have questions about benefits that the chatbot cannot answer? |
Benefits Counselor Terminology | !hr-benefits-counselor | How does your institution refer to a Benefits Counselor? |
Benefits Homepage URL | !hr-benefits-link | What is the main homepage with information about benefits? |
Benefits Portal Link | !hr-benefits-portal | This variable will automatically generate once the name and URL variables are populated. |
Benefits Portal Name | !hr-benefits-portal-title | What is the name of your benefits portal? |
Benefits Portal URL | !hr-benefits-portal-url | What is the URL of your benefits portal? |
Employment Homepage URL | !hr-employment-link | What is the URL of your employment homepage? |
Human Resources Homepage | !hr-homepage-link | What is the homepage URL for Human Resources? |
Jobs Portal Link | !hr-jobs-portal | This variable will automatically generate once the name and URL variables are populated. |
Jobs Portal Name | !hr-jobs-portal-title | What is the name of your portal where job applicants apply for open positions? |
Jobs Portal URL | !hr-jobs-portal-url | What is the URL of your portal where job applicants apply for open positions? |
New Employee Homepage URL | !hr-newemployee-link | What is the URL of your new employee homepage? |
Payroll Portal Link | !hr-payroll-portal | This variable will automatically generate once the name and URL variables are populated. |
Payroll Portal Name | !hr-payroll-portal-title | What is name of your portal where staff view payroll information? |
Payroll Portal URL | !hr-payroll-portal-url | What is the URL of your portal where staff view payroll information? |
Position Management Portal Link | !hr-position-portal | This variable will automatically generate once the name and URL variables are populated. |
Position Management Portal Name | !hr-position-portal-title | If you have a position management portal (where staff manage open positions) that is separate from your jobs portal (where job applicants apply for open positions), what is the name of that portal? |
Position Management Portal URL | !hr-position-portal-url | If you have a position management portal, what is the URL of that portal? |
Staff Handbook URL | !hr-staff-handbook-link | What is the URL where your staff handbook is located? |
Information Technology (IT) / Help Desk | ||
IT Homepage | !it-homepage-link | What is the homepage URL for the IT Department/IT Help Desk? |
IT Ticketing System Link | !it-ticket-link | What is the URL of the web page where students can access your IT ticketing system? |
IT Ticketing System Name | !it-ticket-name | What is the name of your IT ticketing system? |
International Programs | ||
International Programs Advisor Terminology | !oip-advisor | What is the advisor called who works with International Programs? |
International Programs Homepage | !oip-homepage-link | What is the URL of the main web page that contains information for students about International Programs? |
International Programs Orientation Link | !oip-orientation-link | If you have a new student orientation specifically for international students, please enter the URL for your web page that contains information about that orientation. |
Study Abroad Advisor Terminology | !sa-advisor | What is the advisor called who works with Study Abroad programs? |
Study Abroad After Hours Link | !sa-afterhours-link | If you offer "after hours" support, what is the URL of the web page that contains applicable information? |
Study Abroad Forms Link | !sa-forms-link | If you have forms related study abroad, what is the URL of the web page where students can access those forms? |
Study Abroad Homepage | !sa-homepage-link | What is the URL of the main web page that contains information on your Study Abroad program? |
Study Abroad Portal Name | !sa-portal-title | If you have portal where students can access their personal study abroad information, what is the name of that portal? |
Study Abroad Portal URL | !sa-portal-link | If you have portal where students can access their personal study abroad information, what is the URL of the web page where that portal is located? |
Study Abroad Program Link | !sa-program | This variable will automatically generate once the name and URL variables are populated. |
Libraries | ||
Libraries Homepage URL | !lib-homepage-link | What is the homepage URL for the Library? |
Mailing Services | ||
Mailing Homepage URL | !mail-homepage-link | What is the homepage URL for Mailing Services? |
Orientation | ||
Name of Orientation Day | !ori-name | How do you refer to your Orientation on your website (e.g. Orientation, New Student Welcome)? |
Orientation Advisor Terminology | !ori-advisor | Is there a specific name for the advisors who work with Orientation? |
Orientation Dates URL | !ori-dates-link | If you have a webpage on your site that hosts information about Orientation Dates, please provide that URL here. |
Orientation Forms URL | !ori-forms-link | If you have a webpage on your site that hosts Orientation forms, please provide that URL here. |
Orientation Homepage URL | !ori-homepage-link | If you have a webpage on your site that hosts information about Orientation registration and/or an Orientation registration form, please provide that URL here. |
Orientation Link | !ori-portal | This variable will automatically generate once the name and URL variables are populated. |
Orientation Portal Name | !ori-portal-title | What do you call the Orientation Portal? |
Orientation Portal URL | !ori-portal-url | What is the URL for the Orientation Portal? |
Orientation Registration URL | !ori-registration-link | Do you have a portal where students can register for or manage information for Orientation? |
Orientation What To Bring URL | !ori-bring-link | If you have a webpage on your site that hosts information about what to bring to Orientation, please provide that URL here. |
Outreach | ||
Outreach Homepage Link | !outreach-homepage-link | What is the homepage URL for Outreach? |
Parking and Transportation | ||
Parking Forms Link | !park-forms-link | If you have a webpage that hosts Parking forms (e.g. Parking citation appeal form), please list that URL here. |
Parking Homepage | !park-homepage-link | What is the URL of the main web site that contains information on Parking and Transportation? |
Parking Portal Link | !park-portal | This variable will automatically generate once the name and URL variables are populated. |
Parking Portal Name | !park-portal-title | What is the name of the student portal that manages parking information? |
Parking Portal URL | !park-portal-url | What is the URL of the web page where students access the portal to manage their parking information? |
Recreational Center | ||
Recreational Center Homepage URL | !rec-homepage-link | What is the homepage URL for the Recreational Center? |
Recreational Center Membership Policy | !rec-policy-link | If you have a webpage on your site that hosts the membership policy for your recreation center, please provide that URL here. |
Recreational Center Membership Webpage | !rec-membership-link | If you have a webpage on your site that hosts information about membership types and benefits, please provide that URL here. |
Recreational Center Pricing | !rec-pricing-link | If you have a webpage on your site that hosts pricing/costs of the recreation center membership and/or amenities, please provide that URL here. |
Recreational Center Scheduling | !rec-scheduling-link | If you have a webpage on your site that hosts scheduling information when the various facilities or amenities are available for member use, please provide that URL here. |
Registrar | ||
Transcript Terminology | !transcript | How does your institution refer to transcripts? |
Transcripts Sentence | !transcript-text | This variable will automatically generate once the Transcripts Terminology and Transcripts URL variables are populated. |
Transcripts URL | !transcript-link | What is the URL where students can request a transcript? |
Degree Audit Terminology | !degree-audit | How does your institution refer to a degree audit? |
Degree Audit URL | !degree-audit-link | What is the URL where students request a degree audit? |
Registrar Forms Sentence | !reg-form-text | This variable will automatically generate once the name and URL variables are populated. |
Registrar Forms URL | !reg-form-link | What is the URL where students access forms related to your office? |
Registrar Homepage | !reg-homepage-link | What is the homepage URL for the Registrar? |
Registration Advisor Terminology | !reg-advisor | Is there a specific name for an advisor who works with registration? |
Registration Period Terminology | !registration-period | How does your institution refer to the registration period? |
Registration Sentence | !registration-text | This variable will automatically generate once the Registration Period and Registration URL variables are populated. |
Registration URL | !registration-link | What is the URL where students find information about registering for classes? |
Student Employment | ||
Student Employ Homepage | !stuemploy-homepage-link | What is the homepage URL for Student Employment? |
Student Life | ||
SLLA Government Homepage | !sllagov-homepage-link | If you have student government, what is the URL of your web page that contains information that students need to know about student government? |
SLLA Greek Homepage | !sllagreek-homepage-link | If you have programs related to Greek Life, what is the URL of your web page that contains information that students need to know about Greek Life? |
SLLA Homepage | !slla-homepage-link | What is the homepage URL for Student Life? |
SLLA Library Homepage | !sllalib-homepage-link | What is the homepage URL for the Library? |
SLLA Rec Center Homepage | !sllarec-homepage-link | If you have a Rec Center, what is the homepage URL for the Rec Center? |
Testing Services | ||
Testing Services Homepage URL | !test-homepage-link | What is the homepage URL for Testing Services? |
Title IX | ||
Grievance Procedure Link | !titleix-grievpolicy-link | What is the URL of the webpage where your grievance procedure/policy is located (if applicable)? |
Grievance Procedure Title | !titleix-grievpolicy-title | What is the name of your institution’s Grievance Procedure? |
Sexual Misconduct Policy Link | !titleix-smpolicy-link | What is the URL of the web page where your sexual misconduct policy is located (if applicable)? |
Sexual Misconduct Policy Title | !titleix-smpolicy-title | What is the name of your institution’s Sexual Misconduct Policy? |
Student Code of Conduct Link | !titleix-coc-link | What is the URL of the web page where your student code of conduct is located (if applicable)? |
Student Code of Conduct Title | !titleix-coc-title | What is the name of your institution’s Student Code of Conduct? |
Title IX Homepage | !titleix-homepage-link | What is the URL of the web page that contains information about Title IX? |
Title IX Officer | !titleix-officer | What is a Title IX Officer called at your institution? |
TRIO | ||
TRIO Homepage URL | !trio-homepage-link | What is the homepage URL for TRIO? |
TRIO SSS Homepage URL | !trio-homepage-sss-link | Where can TRIO SSS information be found? |
TRIO Upward Bound Homepage URL | !trio-homepage-upbound-link | Where can TRIO Upward Bound information be found? |
Tutoring | ||
Tutoring Homepage URL | !tutor-homepage-link | What is the homepage URL for Tutoring? |
Workforce Development | ||
Workforce Development Homepage Link | !workforcedev-homepage-link | What is the homepage URL for Workforce Development? |
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